Many patients need to have their wisdom teeth, or third molars, taken out because they can cause problems like crowding other teeth, infections, and damage to adjacent teeth.
What Happens on the Day I Get My Teeth Taken Out?
Most people prefer to be unaware of the experience when they have their wisdom teeth removed and usually decide to be sedated. You will be provided with anesthesia options at your consultation that will maximize your comfort. Our office staff has the training, licensing, and experience to provide the your anesthesia. These services are provided in a safe environment, using modern monitoring equipment and our well-trained, experienced staff.
After your procedure, you will take medications to help minimize post-operative pain and swelling. We ask that a parent or responsible adult accompanies you to the office and plans to stay with you the rest of the day. The procedure usually takes 30 to 60 minutes, and you will probably be in our office for 90 minutes. Your comfort will be our top priority.
When you are seated in the surgical room, we will make every effort to make you as comfortable as possible. If you are going to be sedated, we will usually place an IV in your left arm. This is a quick and nearly painless procedure that ensures optimal delivery of your medication.
You may rest assured that state-of-the-art sterilization and infection control techniques are used at all times. Local anesthesia is also given to you to ensure comfort, and allow adequate time to travel home and rest. You will be sleepy for a significant portion of the day.
The day of your appointment, be sure to have an adult with you who can wait with you in our office, drive you home after your extractions, and help you the rest of the day.
If your surgery requires stitches, these are usually the type that dissolve in 3 to 5 days and do not require removal. You may also notice a sensation of your gums feeling swollen and pulling away from your teeth. This is all part of the normal recovery, and will subside in several days.
What Happens Next?
On the first day after surgery, you may experience some minor bleeding and pain. You should cover your pillowcase with something so that you don’t get any blood on it. Each individual’s reaction to surgery varies, and the sensation of pain can range from mild discomfort to severe pain.
A variable amount of swelling can be expected following the surgery. This swelling usually peaks on the second day and should begin resolving on the third day. You can limit the amount of swelling you will have by using ice for the entire first day.
You can apply moist heat to your face on the second and third day allowing your muscles to relax and help you open your jaw easier.
We ask that you follow your post-operative instructions closely. Doing so will make you as comfortable as possible during the first few days following your procedure. Please allow time for your body to begin healing before resuming an active social, academic, or athletic schedule.